a few days ago I get an
assignment to make an article about "I love indonesia" but I
get some difficulties when i was working on it. for example like, what things should I discuss
in that article ??
As we know indonesia has a lot of things that can make a lot of people fall in love like it’s cultural,culinary,and many more. So,
after considering several things that quite confusing (not that confusing
actually) i finally decided to use “cultural” as the topic for my article.
What do you really know
about Indonesia? Probably not much. Indonesia is not really a place that most
Foreigns even give a second thought to - unless they’re surfers! Anyone who is
into surfing knows that Indonesia has some of the most incredible surf in the
world, but even they probably don’t know much else about this wonderful
destination.. This chain of islands holds hundreds of white sand beaches as
well as reefs flourishing with beautiful fish along with incredible sights. The
beautiful beaches combined with the rich cultural traditions of this beautiful
tropical paradise make it a must see destination for anyone who is into world
With over 17,000 islands it’s a sure bet that Indonesia has some gorgeous beaches to lay on. Whether you want to enjoy some water sports like learning to surf, go parasailing, ride a banana boat or just lay out and get a nice tan, Indonesia is definitely a place where all of this can happen. You can hang out on the popular Kuta beach in Bali, or the secluded pink beach as part of the Komodo islands, just to name a few of the thousands of options.
Indonesia is a melting pot of religions. The majority of people are Muslim, happily living alongside Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any nation. In 1990 the population was reported to be eighty-seven percent Muslim.In 2014 the percent of Muslims is still the same. There is a well-educated Christian minority with about twice as many Protestants as Catholics. The Balinese still follow a form of Hinduism. Mystical cults are well established among the Javanese elite and middle class, and members of many ethnic groups still follow traditional belief systems.
the government recognizes the religious system, “Agama” to include Islam,
Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
are many kinds of languages that run through Indonesia. The people’s
first language is usually Javanese or Minangkabau, which are repeatedly
mistaken for the official languages of Indonesia. Some of the common
words like salam or hello or maybe sorry (maaf). The official language is
indeed Bahasa Indonesian and is particularly spoken at work and schools.
This language is from the dialect of Malay and was promoted during the declaration
of Indonesian independence.
Music, dance, and theatre play is a very big role in the culture of Indonesia.
Since the uprising of pop music, Gamelan
music has been less popular. Indonesian dance reflects the diversity of the
culture. The dances of Indonesia can be divided into three eras: the
Prehistoric Era, Hindu/Buddhist Era, and the Era of Islam.3 There are also two
genres which are court dance and folk dance. One of the popular line dances,
called “Poco-poco”, originated in Indonesia. Theatre is a very vibrant subject
in Indonesia. One of the very common ways to project many mythical legends is
puppet shows. Many of these dramas incorporate humor and jest
The three major sectors of Indonesia's economy are agriculture, manufacturing, and services. The major crops Indonesia produces are rice, tea coffee, cocoa, spices, rubber, peanuts, eggs, pork, and palm oil. These crops definitely impact how Indonesian cuisine is. Rice is a staple element in most regional cooking and the center of general Indonesian cuisine.
well as the main fare with meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables acting as the side
dishes. Chilly peppers and other spices are ingredients for a variety of
condiments used for rice.
The manufacturing section produces petroleum, natural gas, wood, leather as well as paper and printing products. The last section being services such as hospitality and tourism. The currency in Indonesia is a Rupiah, one US dollar is equivalent to 12214.99 Rupiah.
All in all Indonesia is a beautiful place full of interesting sights, foods, languages, and everything in between. Whether you go there for surfing or enjoying the culture theres no way you wont have a good time.
The manufacturing section produces petroleum, natural gas, wood, leather as well as paper and printing products. The last section being services such as hospitality and tourism. The currency in Indonesia is a Rupiah, one US dollar is equivalent to 12214.99 Rupiah.
All in all Indonesia is a beautiful place full of interesting sights, foods, languages, and everything in between. Whether you go there for surfing or enjoying the culture theres no way you wont have a good time.
Assalamu Alaikum wr-wb, perkenalkan nama saya ibu Sri Rahayu asal Surakarta, saya ingin mempublikasikan KISAH KESUKSESAN saya menjadi seorang PNS. saya ingin berbagi kesuksesan keseluruh pegawai honorer di instansi pemerintahan manapun, saya mengabdikan diri sebagai guru disebuah desa terpencil di daerah surakarta, dan disini daerah tempat mengajar hanya dialiri listrik tenaga surya, saya melakukan ini demi kepentingan anak murid saya yang ingin menggapai cita-cita, Sudah 9 tahun saya jadi tenaga honor belum diangkat jadi PNS Bahkan saya sudah 4 kali mengikuti ujian, dan membayar 70 jt namun hailnya nol uang pun tidak kembali bahkan saya sempat putus asah, pada suatu hari sekolah tempat saya mengajar mendapat tamu istimewa dari salah seorang pejabat tinggi dari kantor BKN pusat Jl. Letjen Sutoyo No. 12 Jakarta Timur karena saya sendiri mendapat penghargaan pengawai honorer teladan, disinilah awal perkenalan saya dengan beliau, dan secara kebetulan beliau menitipkan nomor hp pribadinya 0853-1144-2258 atas nama Drs Muh Tauhid SH.MSI beliaulah yang selama ini membantu perjalanan karir saya menjadi PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL, alhamdulillah berkat bantuan bapak Drs Muh Tauhid SH.MSI SK saya dan 2 teman saya tahun ini sudah keluar, bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi bapak Drs Muh Tauhid SH.MSI, siapa tau beliau bisa membantu anda