Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Kenapa Belajar Sastra Inggris penting di jurusan Sastra Inggris ?

Kenapa Belajar Sastra Inggris penting di jurusan Sastra Inggris ?

cr : Online-stagram

Dalam artikel kali ini kita akan membahas tentang ,mengapa mempelajari Kepariwisataan itu sangat penting di jurusan satra inggris. hmm mungkin sempat terlintas dipikiran kalian semua "Buat apa sih belajar kepariwisataan ? memangnya apa hubungannya dengan Sastra Inggris?" itu adalah salah satu hal yang mungkin saja pernah terbesit di pikiran mahasiswa sastra inggris yang mendapatkan mata kuliah "Kepariwisataan"  tetapi taukah kalian....  Didalam kehidupan bermasyarakat banyak sekali hubungan yang terjalin baik di dalam rumah, kantor, suatu daerah, bahkan sampai hubungan antar Negara. Terkadang kita memerlukan sesuatu di suatu daerah atau Negara tersebut baik itu untuk perjalanan wisata, bisnis maupun lainnya. Maka dari itu kita membutuhkan banyak informasi mengenai bidang kepariwisataan agar dapat mengerti dengan baik tujuan, manfaat serta keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh dalam bidang ini.

Kepariwisataan merupakan sebuah kegiatan usaha dalam melayani dan memenuhi kebutuhan atau keinginan seorang wisatawan yang akan memulai atau sedang dalam melakukan sebuah perjalanan. Sedangkan menurut UU No.9 Bab I pasal 1 tahun 1990 tentang kepariwisataan menyatakan bahwa: “Kepariwisataan adalah segala kegiatan dan urusan yang ada kaitannya dengan perencanaan, pengaturan, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan pariwisata baik yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, pihak swasta, dan masyarakat.” Kemudian menurut Oka A. Yoeti dalam bukunya “Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata” yang menyatakan bahwa: “Pariwisata adalah suatu perjalanan yang dilakukan untuk sementara waktu yang diselenggarakan dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang lain dengan maksud bukan untuk berusaha (Business) atau mencari nafkah di tempat yang dikunjungi tetapi semata-mata untuk menikmati perjalanan tersebut guna bertamasya dan rekreasi atau memenuhi keinginan yang beraneka ragam.”

Setelah mengetahui berbagai macam pengertian mengenai “Kepariwisataan” dari berbagai macam sumber yang dapat dipercaya telah memudahkan kita semua dalam memahami apa itu kepariwisataan secara baik, tanpa merasa ragu untuk mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Selain pengertian dari kepariwisataan, masih ada tujuan serta manfaatnya.

Sesuai dengan intruksi presiden nomor 9 tahun 1969 yang dikutip dari buku “ Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Pariwisata” oleh Oka A. Yoeti (1997: hal 35) dikatakan bahw tujuan dari pengembangan kepariwisataan adalah:

Meningkatkan pendapatan devisa pada khususnya dan pendapatan Negara serta masyarakat pada umumnya. Memperluas kesempatan serta lapangan kerja dan mendorong kegiatan-kegiatan industri penunjang dan industri sampingan lainnya.
Memperkenalkan keindahan alam dan kebudayaan Indonesia.

Meningkatkan persaudaraan atau persahabatan nasional dan internasional.
Begitu pula manfaat yang didapat dari bidang kepariwisataan mencakup dalam berbagai bidang, yaitu ekonomi, budaya, politik, lingkungan hidup, nilai pergaulan dan ilmu pengetahuan, peluang dan kesempatan kerja.

Manfaat kepariwisataan dari segi Ekonomi

Kepariwisataan menghasilkan devisa yang besar bagi Negara sehingga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian suatu Negara.

Manfaat kepariwisaataan dari segi Budaya

Membawa sebuah pemahaman dan pengertian antar budaya melalui interaksi wisatawan dengan masyarakat lokal tempat daerah wisata tersebut berada. Sehingga dari interaksi inilah para wisatawan dapat mengenal dan menghargai budaya masyarakat setempat dan juga memahami latar belakang kebudayaan lokal yang dianut oleh masyarakat tersebut.

Manfaat kepariwisataan dari segi politik

Memelihara hubungan internasional dengan baik, yaitu dalam hal pengembangan pariwisata mancanegara. Akan terjadi kunjungan antar bangsa sebagai wisatawan seperti hal nya dalam pariwisata nusantara, sehingga dapat memberi inspirasi untuk selalu mengadakan pendekatan dan saling menghormati.

Manfaat kepariwisataan dari segi lingkungan hidup

Karena sebuah objek wisata apabila ingin banyak mendapatkan kunjungan dari wisatawan harus terjaga kebersihannya sehingga masyarakat secara bersama-sama sepakat untuk merawat serta memelihara lingkungan atau daerah yang dijadikan sebagai sebuah objek wisata.

Manfaat kepariwisataan dari segi nilai pergaulan dan ilmu pengetahuan

Memiliki teman dari berbagai macam Negara sehingga dapat mengetahui kebiasaan mereka serta mempelajari kebiasaan baik dari Negara mereka tersebut. Sedangkan dari segi ilmu pengetahuan kita dapat mempelajari pariwisata serta dapat mengetahui dimana letak dan keunggulan sebuah objek wisata sehingga dapat menerapkan di daerah objek wisata daerah kita yang belum berkembang dengan baik.

Manfaat kepariwisataan dari segi peluang dan kesempatan kerja

Menciptakan berbagai macam kesempatan kerja, serta mendirikan berbagai macam usaha yang dapat mendukung objek kepariwisataan menjadi lebih baik dan menarik.
Itulah beberapa hal mengenai “Kepariwisataan” yang telah dibahas secara lengkap dan mendetil. Sehingga bagi masyarakat atau para pembaca yang ingin mencari tahu informasi lebih mengenai “Kepariwisataan” dapat membaca tulisan ini. Dan ilmu yang didapat dari tulisan ini dapat diterapkan di lingkungan masyarakat sekitar.

Dari Berbagai Manfaat Diatas maka kita dapat simpulkan seberapa Pentingnya Kepariwisataan itu " Bagi siapapun " termasuk Mahasiswa satra inggris. Apalagi bila ditilik dari segi manfaat, nanti kita juga bisa bekerja dalam bidang Pariwisata loh. jadi buat Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris sekalian, kita tak akan dibatasi dimana kita akan bekerja nantinya dan ada kemungkinan besar juga kita bisa memasuki dunia kepariwisataan karna pekerjaan dalam bidang ini cukup menjanjikan. 

misalnya saja menjadi Travel Guide, kita tentu sangat diuntungkan dalam hal ini kenapa ? karna kita sudah mempelajari dasar" kepariwisataan saat kuliah (di Gunadarma) dan hanya harus mengembangkannya lebih jauh lagi. 

cr : huffingtonpost

Bukan Hanya menjadi Travel Guide tetapi kita juga bisa menjadi pemilik Travel Agency

cr : smartdestinations

Jadi Kawan Sastra Inggris sekalian Belajar Kepariwisataan itu Penting. Dan kita sangatlah beruntung jika mendapatkan Pelajaran ini saat kuliah karna dengan begitu kita dilatih untuk dapat mendalami usaha yang berhubungan dengan kepariwisataan nantinya dan juga kita dapat memperluas wawasan serta mengasah skill menulis kita.

Keep on Fighting Guys.... we are born to be a leader don't ever be a loser because that's not why we are working hard to. semoga kawan semua sukses UTS nya dan juga lancar kuliahnya..

Least Thank youuuuu

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Hello back again with this absurd little girl :) right now i’m going to write about my favorite city in Japan which is Tokyo, gosh I had no idea how much I would fall in love with Tokyo. And soon you will too.

CR : charlesngo

The city had actually been at the top of my mental travel top 5 for years. So let me intoruce it first, Tokyo (東京, Tōkyō) is Japan's capital and the world's most populous metropolis. It is also one of Japan's 47 prefectures, consisting of 23 central city wards and multiple cities, towns and villages west of the city center. Today, Tokyo offers a seemingly unlimited choice of shopping, entertainment, culture and dining to its visitors. The city's history can be appreciated in districts such as Asakusa, and in many excellent museums, historic temples and gardens. Contrary to common perception, Tokyo also offers a number of attractive green spaces in the city center and within relatively short train rides at its outskirts.

It looks like the explanation above is sufficient to explain what was the city of Tokyo, let’s move to the  reason why i love this city so much haha

CR thetummytrain

Japan has always been one of my “dream countries” to travel to because I genuinely love its culture and even its language, and the fact that it’s becoming a mainstream tourist destination won’t stop me (and i’m sure you too) . Although Japan is a small country from a geographical standpoint, I knew its long history and huge population would make it a formidable destination to tackle over any period of time, especially a short one.

As Japan’s largest city, capital, main economic zone, and seat of government, Tokyo’s credentials are already pretty impressive on paper. It’s got the distinction of being the world’s most populated metropolis too; and thanks to the 50+ Fortune 500 companies that have made their home in the prefecture, the place is simply thriving with activity. Everywhere you turn someone’s hurrying off somewhere with a sense of purpose.
But you have to come here to understand just exactly what makes Tokyo such an unforgettable city to most people who have had the chance to thoroughly experience it. I know that most would say the most colourful aspect to Tokyo isn’t just its impressive infrastructures but the people, and even though I know in my heart that’s probably true I wish I had interesting stories to share about that.

To be honest, i don’t really know what’s the uniq sides of Tokyo is, but  one thing’s for sure: Here in Tokyo, there are SO MANY PEOPLE. The sidewalks are absolutely crawling with people all day long, and my favourite sort are the kindergarteners. They’re super adorable and some of the kids even pose for the camera! ( CR PICT

You might’ve wondered: Who are those men dressed in short-shorts? They really know how to catch the eye don’t they? These guys offer their expensive services to tour you around some parts of Tokyo in ajinrikisha (literally, a hand-pulled rickshaw). ( CR PICT

A big group of them is gathered right outside Asakusa Shrine waiting for any tourists who might be interested in the experience. They also very willingly take pictures with tourists.

In Tokyo (Japan) English is used for style, not function.
CR : adventurouskate

See English lettering somewhere? Chances are it’s not used for the purpose of communicating with non-Japanese speakers. Again and again, I noticed that English was used for little more than decoration.

On our first night in Tokyo, Mario and I were looking for a restaurant in a mall and I was delighted to find a pamphlet emblazoned with Mall Directory in ornate script. I opened it up…and it was all in Japanese. The English was just used for stylistic purposes. ( CR PICT

Japanese toilets really are that amazing, Believe it or not, those fancy Japanese toilets with all the push buttons aren’t only found in luxury establishments. You’ll even find fancy Japanese toilets at cheap ramen joints and Starbucks. Once you figure out which button performs the “rear cleansing”, you’ll never go back. ( CR PICT


Tokyo Skytree

CR : thetummytrain

The modern Tokyo Skytree doesn’t have as much nostalgic effect as the original Tokyo Tower, but it’s quite a modern sight viewed from afar. It’s located quite close to Asakusa Shrine at the Sumida City Ward and is very difficult to miss. Interesting bit about Tokyo Skytree is its height of 634 meters, which in Nihongo is read as ‘musashi’, also known as the historic name of Tokyo. (Pretty sure that was done on purpose.) This television broadcasting tower was opened in 2012 and at that time it was the tallest tower until Burj Khalifa came along. At the base of the Skytree is a large shopping complex and an aquarium

 On a weekend or holiday though the story of the waiting game at the Tokyo Skytree could be a bit different. The Japanese have developed crowd control systems for their tourist spots by releasing a specific number of tickets for a specific timeframe, so if you happen to visit on a peak day and say you buy your ticket at 11:00, your pass could allow entry at 16:00 or later. You can leave and just come back at the indicated time instead of waiting for hours on end.

And then once your pass allows you inside, you can buy your actual tickets for the two observation decks of the Skytree. I think we waited for 30 minutes? I read somewhere that it usually takes 45 to 90 minutes so it means we came on a really good day.

And by the way i have a bucket-list to do in Tokyo if i can go there here are some of it

1)     Play with Felines at a Cat Cafe in Tokyo

The Calico Cat Café is on Kabukicho in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, very close to Don Quizote. It’s a little tricky to find, but so is everything else in this city. Just keep an eye out for the cat photo and symbols, everything else will be in Japanese. Also, be aware that the entrance is on the sixth floor, though the cafe also takes the 5th floor, but you can’t enter on the fifth.

There were lazy cats sprawled all over the place, most didn’t even glance our way when we entered. The only time they were interested in anyone was when they had food, which could be purchased there. Then they flocked. ( cr pict )
So, if you actually want some kitty interaction, buy food. They will ignore you otherwise.

2)     Eat at a Themed Restaurant in Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan is exploding with quirky themed restaurants. Understatement. You can watch a sexy robot show while eating a bento box or be served by trained ninjas or dine in a European church replica. And though all of those sounded equally as bizarre, I opted for the Alcatraz ER, a medical prison themed restaurant.

Who doesn’t want to eat beef shaped like a brain on the floor of a jail cell while sipping cocktails out of a dummy’s head? That’s what Tokyo’s Alcatraz ER has to offer…and so much more. ( cr pict )

The Brain Shock cocktail, which tasted like a very strong margarita, was served in an old beauty school mannequin head with haircut number 227. ( cr pict )
The Seared Beef Salad came to the table loosely in the shape of a brain. It didn’t really take it’s meant form until it was cut open and the stringy, edible stuff came flowing out.  (cr pict )
As with many dinner theater or themed restaurants the food was not five-star (probably, not even four of the aforementioned stars), but I will always make that sacrifice for a bucket list worthy experience.

3)     Eat at the Ramen Museum

Travel a little under an hour out of town to enjoy the flavors of traditional ramen in this re-creation of Tokyo in the 60s. The Ramen Museum features narrow alleyways with a selection of ramen restaurants. Not only will you get a ramen education, but your belly will be full too. (cr pict )

4)     Buy something from a Vending machine

It is hard to walk a block in Tokyo without passing a half dozen vending machines. Though most sell beverages, there are others that vend weirder things like dog food, hair products, umbrellas and hamburgers. (cr pict )

5)     Relax at an Onsen

Ooedo Onsen Monogatari is an onsen (hot springs) theme park where you can soak in one of their relaxing baths, get your fortune told or have a foot massage. There’s plenty of entertainment on the premises to keep you occupied for at least an afternoon. {photo credit: tuija aalto} (cr pict )

6)     Do a Kimono Fitting

A kimono is a traditional Japanese garment that is typically worn by women on special occasions. There are few places to be fitted for a Kimono while traveling to Tokyo, but you can find a couple. 

7)     Attend a Kabuki Theater Show

Kabuki is a unique form of Japanese theater where they combine song, mime, dance, costume design and elaborate makeup that is typically performed solely by men. At Kabuki-za you can buy Single Act tickets just to get an introduction to the style of theater. {photo credit: lensonjapan}
So yeah there’s so many things that i really wanted to do in Tokyo, because as you all know Tokyo is a very attractive city with so many hiden and unusual things that not so many people know. Maybe you have your own bucket-list and im also sure that yours are fun too :)
and since I do not know what to write anymore so I decided to attach some articles about the amazing things that exist in the city of tokyo
$$$$ Weird and wacky: the hidden wonders of Tokyo nightlife $$$$ this article is taken from

If you like your nightlife weird and wonderful, the Japanese capital has some jaw-dropping options

cr : scmp

For sheer volume and surreal other-worldliness that will leave you blinking, nowhere compares to Tokyo. Where else can you start the evening with psychedelic dinner theatre, sample some of the best beer and whisky on the planet, receive a few lashes from a dominatrix, then greet the wee hours with a cocktail in the company of real live penguins? The downside? Tokyo is expensive and huge, addresses are often non-existent, English rarely spoken, and most of the good places are well off the tourist radar. Don't panic: we've got the insider's guide.

How about enjoying a beer while post-apocalyptic babes in leather bikinis ride robots and battle for the future of the universe? This one's hardly off the tourist track since Anthony Bourdain called it "the best show on earth", but Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku is an absolute must-see. Be sure to make a reservation; tickets are ¥6,000 (HK$500).

1-7-1 Kabukicho, Shinjuku

cr : scmp

Art bars are trendy at the moment, though most are overpriced and obnoxious. That's not the case with Bar Kodoji, a "photographer's bar" in Shinjuku's Golden Gai bar district. Kodoji is tiny and packed to the rafters with rare Japanese photography books. Fans of the art form may well see one of their heroes propped up at the bar. Low-key with a healthy dose of grit, Kodoji is one of Tokyo's coolest places to get a drink. Kodoji doesn't advertise its address. Just ask around.

cr : scmp
A unique Japanese drinking phenomenon is the micro-bar: a tiny watering hole that can accommodate at most half a dozen people. These venues exude charm and make you feel like you are in your own private bar. Some of the best are in Nonbei Yokocho — literally "drunk alley" — in Shibuya: a warren of tiny bars in old pre-war buildings. If they're not too full, check out the birdhouse-like Amulet D, or my personal favourite, Saya, where the bartender is also a sushi chef.
1 Chome 25 10, Shibuya

cr : scmp
Tokyo lends itself to hyperbole, so here's some more: !BAR! SmallLight, in the trendy neighbourhood of Kichijoji, serves the best gin and tonic on the planet. I don't know why — they don't use any fancy ingredients, just an average gin and convenience store tonic — but it is hands down the best G&T I've ever had. Impeccably hip music plays softly and groups bigger than eight will find themselves with no place to sit. The bar is in an alley off the main shopping street.

cr : scmp
Maid cafes will either be your dream come true or hell on earth. Sit down to an ice-cream sundae decorated to look like a kitten — for about the price of a new pair of shoes — while a long-suffering maid calls you master and says, in a grating childlike voice three octaves too high, to call her "meow meow". Prepare to leave with both your bank and soul broken. Just head to Akihabara and let the maids on the street show you the way.

Article above are about the night life in Tokyo Japan mostly i don't even know about it haha but it's pretty amaizing actually :) 
i think it's the end of my "talk nonsense" things about Tokyo. i know that this article is far from perfect " not even close! " so please forgive me if there's any wrong typed words or maybe if you find some nonsense sentence. sorry haha i'm not a professional blog writer or what the funk is that but i'm writting this article for my task. 
give me some advices if you want and i will apreciate that very much :)
paiiii ***************


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